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The Muse…

Breaking Free From Society's Chains

Category Archives: Fiction

I love writing short stories. I don’t get the chance to write them so much anymore, but I would love to develop a series of short stories and publish them. Maybe further down the track I will do so. One of the reasons I like short stories is because they can develop into longer, more intricate tales.

The following short story is one I would like to develop further into a full fledged novel. It’s called The Perfect Crime,  and was written several years ago.

Like I’ve said before, I don’t write tales of romance and happily ever afters. Be warned, this is also a rough draft.

The Perfect Crime

Nicki Brewster stared at herself in the mirror, smoothing an imaginary wrinkle from her dress. Today was special, her wedding day. Today she would become Mrs Matthew Reed, a day she had been waiting for since she was a little girl.

She glanced at the diamond ring on her finger and smiled brilliantly. Yes, today was the happiest day of her life. Nothing could ruin it.

Looking in the mirror again she scrutinised herself, satisfied with her appearance. She looked the part of the radiant bride- completely perfect, completely untouched.

“Nicki it’s time for us to leave.” Kate Carrington murmured, touching her shoulder gently.

She nodded, taking a deep breath. She turned to look at her bridesmaids.

“I’ll be in the car behind you.”

She watched her friends leave the room, before she turned her attention back to the mirror.

She heard him even before he opened the door, her gaze meeting his.

“What are you doing here?” She hissed, turning to stare at him angrily. “You shouldn’t be here!”

The man studied her silently, his face expressionless. “I warned you. Now where’s the letter?”

“You warned me? You warned me!” Nicki questioned in disbelief, noticing the gun in his hand for the first time.

What are you going to do with that?”

He smiled coldly.  Silently he aimed the gun and shot her.

She staggered back, automatically clutching her chest. She stared down at her wound, and then stared at him in disbelief.

“My wedding dress, you’ve ruined my wedding dress.” She whispered, crumpling to the ground.

He walked to stand over her. “You’re mine.”


Detective Gena Evans frowned as she stood in front of her crime scene, almost hesitant to enter. Almost loathe to what she would find if she did enter. It was another day, another murder. She was too damn young to feel this jaded.

Taking a deep breath she stepped into the crime scene, immediately spotting her partner Kylie Jackson barking orders.

“What do we have?” Gena asked quietly, as she joined Kylie.

“One deceased.”

“Do we have a name?” She asked, as she scanned the crime scene.

“Nicki Brewster.”  Kylie replied, watching Gena drop down to a crouch and study the victim.

“Nice dress.” Gena commented.

“Today’s supposed to be her wedding day; the happiest day of her life.” Kylie said, muttering what sounded like ‘Jesus’ underneath her breath.

“Well I guess someone thought a little differently.” Gena replied, re-zipping the body bag. She looked at Kylie. “Have we got a list of the guests yet?”

Kylie shook her head.

“Let’s get one. We’re going to need to talk to all of the guests. I don’t want any of them leaving until we’ve talked to them. Find out if any of the guests objected to her marriage.”

“You think it’s an inside job?” Kylie asked, frowning at the thought.

Gena shrugged. “Maybe, who knows? But it’s a wedding, and we might just get lucky.”


Matthew Reed stared down at the coffee Detective Kylie Jackson handed to him.

“Thanks.” He mumbled.

“Is there anyone you can think of who would want to hurt Nicki?” Kylie asked softly.

Matthew shook his head.

“No, Nicki was beautiful. She’d never hurt anyone intentionally. She loved life. Who would do this?” He broke off, biting back a sob.

Kylie nodded.

“I know this is a difficult time for you, but if you can think of anything…”She broke off.

Matthew gripped her arm, looking at her with red-rimmed eyes.

“Find them. Find whoever killed Nicki. Please just find them.”


“Nicki was difficult.” Kate Carrington said with a shrug.

She took a long drag of her cigarette, pausing before she continued, “But most people accepted her and her faults.”

“Her faults?” Gena questioned, arching an eyebrow. “And what would they be?”

“She was a party animal. It’s not a big deal. She just liked a good time.” Kate answered with another careless shrug. “But then don’t we all?”

“I wouldn’t exactly call that a fault, more a bad habit.” Gena answered dryly, watching Kate carefully.

Kate smiled coolly.

“I guess you could call it a bad habit. It depends on how you define party animal. She could get pretty out of control, and had a mean temper when she drank. The fights Matt and she used to get into…” She broke off, taking another drag of her cigarette.


Gena’s eyes narrowed, as she quickly wrote in her notepad.

“You know the usual. Matt’s a hot head but Nicki gave as much as she took. She wasn’t exactly an angel, and used to screw around. Matt was possessive as hell, but couldn’t say much. That man isn’t exactly a saint either.”

“Gee they sound like the perfect couple.” Gena murmured sarcastically.

Kate laughed huskily.

“Yeah, well despite their infidelities they did love each other.”

“Can you think of anyone who wanted to harm Nicki at all?” Gena asked tiredly.

Kate shrugged again.

“Like I said Nicki was difficult. I could name more than a dozen people who wanted to kill her. She could be a real bitch when she wanted to be. Hell, there were times I wanted to kill her, but to actually do it? There’s only one person who might actually have gone through with it.”

“And that would be?” Gena asked, waiting impatiently for Kate to answer.

Kate nodded her head to where Matthew Reed sat with his head in his hands.

“Chris Davis, Matt’s best friend. He’s the one standing next to Matt. He’s the best man.”


He watched the two female Detectives work the room, his face a mask of mourning. Stupid bitches! They’d never discover he was behind his little slut’s death. His fallen angel had met her angel of death. She had pushed him too far once too often. And he would get away with this. He was a mourner like all the rest of them. No-one knew any differently.


Kylie approached Gena with a smile. “Want to know the good news?”

“Please anything to help me get through this. Is it me or are these people the most self-absorbed you’ve ever met?”

“It’s all about the money darling.” Kylie said, batting her eyelashes. She flushed, looking around the room to see if anyone had noticed.

“So what’s the good news?”

“The weapon used was a Glock. We know the make, and even the damn brand.”

“Any fingerprints?”

Kylie groaned, “Not on the gun, but the room’s a smorgasbord of fingerprints. We’ve got about six sets of prints in the room, and that doesn’t include the bride’s.”

She paused. “I’ll start fingerprinting.”

Gena nodded. “You do that, and I’m going to have a little talk with the best man.”


“Mr Davis?”

Chris Davis looked at the woman with the emerald green eyes, scrutinising her carefully.


“Detective Gena Evans.” The woman showed her credentials, watching him study them before slipping them back into her leather jacket.

“I suppose you want to talk about Nicki.” Chris said with a gentle smile.

Gena nodded. “Of course.”

“Shall we walk?” He asked, adding, “I’d prefer to talk about Nicki elsewhere.”

Chris watched the Detective nod, giving him a soft, “Follow me then.”

He inclined his own head, following her. A soft smile fell on his lips, as he followed the gentle sway of her hips. Images of leather and lace filled his head, before he shook them away.


Gena found an empty room, indicating for Chris Davis to enter.

“Is this private enough?”

Chris nodded, staring around the room quietly. He found a chair, and slowly eased himself into it.

“So what do you want to know about Nicki?”

“How were things between the two of you?” Gena asked slowly, staring at the man in front of her.

“I hated her with a passion.” He said, smiling at the surprised look on her face.

“What? You expected me to deny it?”

Gena shrugged. “Not many would come out and say that considering the position it puts you in.”

“Position? What position? I’m not going to lie about my feelings for her, and I don’t see the point of hiding it. I have nothing to hide.”

“No?” she arched an eyebrow in question. “No skeletons in your closet?”

Chris laughed mirthlessly. “Everyone has skeletons. Some people are just better at hiding them.” He paused. “Are you going to ask me why I hated her so much?”

Gena nodded. She had the intense feeling that he was laughing at her,  that this was a game to him.

“So why did you hate her so much?”

“She was blackmailing me.” Chris answered with a shrug.

“Blackmailing you? Why?”

Gena slid quietly into a chair opposite him.

“We had a brief fling, and when I decided to end it she threatened to tell Matt about it.” Chris said carefully. “She wanted money for her silence. I refused.”

“And she conveniently ends up dead just like that?” she answered.

Chris laughed huskily. “Killing her would have meant she got the last laugh. I wasn’t going to rot in jail because of her. Besides I told you, I wasn’t worried about Matt finding out.”

He shrugged his gaze level with hers. “It’s not like it’s the first time we’ve shared the same woman.”

Gena arched an eyebrow. “You don’t think he’d be upset that you were sleeping with his future wife?”

“I ended it with Nicki about six months ago.” Chris said with another shrug. “That was long before they got engaged.”

“Ms Carrington seems to think you could have gone through with it.” she said calmly.

“Kate Carrington is a cold-hearted bitch. If she had the balls I’d say she did it but despite everything she wouldn’t have the guts to kill Nicki.”

“And why would Ms Carrington want to kill Nicki Brewster?” Gena asked in exasperation.

“She happens to be in love with the groom.” Chris answered in amusement.

“The groom?” she repeated, watching him nod.

He flashed a dazzling smile in her direction when she muttered, “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Not only was she in love with him but they were also sleeping together.” Chris added.

“It sounds like the bride and the groom were sleeping with everyone but each other.” Gena muttered, her eyes narrowing in disbelief.

“So do you know anyone that would want to kill Nicki?”

“Try everyone.” Chris said with a grin. He enjoyed seeing the exasperation on the Detective’s face.

“That helps!” Gena said, unable to hide the frustration from her voice.

He shrugged. “What can I say? She wasn’t exactly the most pleasant person in the world.”

“But yet you had an affair with her?” Gena questioned.

Chris smiled slowly. “Nicki could be very persuasive.”

She nodded. Her gut told her that Chris Davis wasn’t the killer. It didn’t seem to be in his instincts.


“We found this.” Kylie said, handing Gena a piece of paper.

“What is it?” Gena asked, taking it and skimming it briefly. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Interesting.”

“Even more interesting is the fact Kate Carrington’s prints are all over it.” Kylie said, adding quickly, “Now why would her fingerprints be all over a business letter of Matthew Reed’s?”

“Bring her in, and let’s find out.” Gena said softly.


Gena handed Kate Carrington the letter. “Do you want to explain this?”

Kate stared at it, handing it back to her. “What about it?”

“This was in Nicki Brewster’s possessions.”

Kate shrugged. “I know nothing about that.”

“Try again.” Gena said flatly. “Explain the letter.”

“Protection.” Kate answered, lighting up a cigarette. “Protection from Matt.”

“Matt? Matthew Reed?” Gena asked, adding, “Why would you need protection from him?”

“Matt and I were having an affair. I wanted out of it, but it wasn’t quite that simple. He threatened to kill me if I walked away. I figured this letter would ensure my safety.” Kate said, her eyes welling up with tears. “I told you Matt wasn’t a saint.”

“How would this letter protect you?” Kylie asked, exchanging a glance with Gena.

“Matt was using the business mentioned in the letter as a front for something bigger. Weapon smuggling.” Kate explained, taking a long drag of her cigarette.

“Why would Nicki Brewster have this letter?” Gena asked.

Kate sighed, “I don’t know how Nicki got it. She must have stolen it from me. Hell I didn’t even know it was missing.”

“But why? This letter would mean nothing to her.”  Kylie said.

Kate sighed again. “She knew Matt, and she knew about the weapons smuggling.”

“You told her, didn’t you.” Gena surmised.

Kate nodded, closing her eyes. “I thought she had the right to know.” She paused. “I only wanted to protect her.”

“From Matthew Reed?” Kylie questioned, sharing a glance with Gena.

Kate nodded. “You don’t know Matt. He’s a chameleon. He’s the all round nice guy to people who don’t know him, but to those who do know him…he’s something altogether.”

“Why didn’t you tell us this in the beginning?” Gena asked impatiently.

“I was scared. He threatened to kill me if I mentioned anything about him to you.” She bit back a sob. “Oh my god he killed her didn’t he?”

“We don’t know that.” Kylie said, handing Kate a tissue.

“He killed her. I know he did. I just know it.” Kate said, bursting into tears.

“I think it’s time we called some bluffs. Let’s bring him in.” Gena said quietly to Gena, who nodded.


Matthew Reed stared at the letter in front of him.

“Where did you find this?”

“In your late fiancée’s possessions, but I think you already knew that she’d have it.” Kylie answered, staring at the man in front of her.

She recalled what Kate Carrington had called him; a chameleon and wondered which part he was playing now.

He shrugged. “I must have left it at her place, so what?”

“Kate Carrington told us everything. We know about the affair, the weapon smuggling, and your affair with her. So drop the pretty act.” Gena said coldly.

Matt’s eyes darkened briefly in anger. “You have no proof.”

“Actually we do. We fingerprinted everyone at the wedding, and your prints were dusted. You’ll never guess where we found them.” Kylie mocked.

Matthew Reed paled. “No. It can’t be. I didn’t kill her.”

“Evidence suggests otherwise. We have the weapons front you were desperate to hide, a solid testimony from Kate Carrington, the woman you were having an affair with, and the murder weapon with your prints on it.” Gena answered coolly.

She turned to Kylie.

“Please charge Mr Reed with the murder of Nicki Brewster, and advise him of his rights.”

“No! I didn’t kill her damn it. You have to believe me!” Matthew shouted, his face filled with fury. “You stupid bitches! I’ve been set up.”


“Poor Matt never saw that coming. Come to think of it I suppose neither did Nicki.” Kate Carrington said with a smile, as she took the glass of champagne from the man beside her.

“I warned her. I told her to play nice.” The man murmured, toasting her.

Kate took a sip of her champagne. “And Matt? Why frame him?”

The man shrugged. “He was convenient. The perfect suspect. You played the part of the hysterical love perfectly. A true form of art.”

Kate smiled slowly. “And it was worth every penny.”

“Indeed it was.”

The man watched her over his champagne glass, a cold smile on his lips.

Kate frowned, as her throat constricted.

“What the?” She choked, feeling the pressure on her throat. She gasped for air.

“I’m sorry Kate but I can’t have any loose ends.” He said softly, stepping out of her reach.

Kate fell the ground, clutching her throat.

Chris Davis watched as Kate’s life slipped away before him. It was all Nicki’s fault really. She should never have tried to blackmail him.

He smiled coldly. He had committed the perfect crime.

Copyrighted to Nina D’Angelo

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